Sooner Tea Party in DC for 9/11

Brigadier General Casamir Pulaski

Brigadier General Casamir Pulaski, Freedom Plaza

Born into a noble family in Poland, Casamir Pulaski was so inspired by the American struggle for liberty that he immigrated and joined the Continental Army in 1777.  An experienced cavalry officer who had fought the Russians for Polish liberty, during his short career he was appointed Brigadier General and eventually put in command of all American cavalry forces.  He led his troops in a number of battles before being mortally wounded in combat at Savannah, Georgia, in 1779.

A number of STP members spent a great day in our nation’s capitol.  Al, Christina and I took most of the morning and early afternoon to attend a grassroots organizing seminar put on by Viguerie Marketing Institute.  There was a lot of good information, and Richard Viguerie was inspiring to hear.  Ben Hart and Diana Banister also spoke about key aspects of grassroots activism.  We learned a lot and will be bringing that knowledge back to the STP.

Al asks a question of the panel.

Al asks a question of the panel.

Then it was off to visit Congressional offices with Ethel, a fellow Tea Partier here from Massachusetts.  Al and Christina had visited the Oklahoma offices yesterday, so today we went by Joe Wilson’s to offer some encouragement, and then to Olympia Snowe’s, to tell her representatives that we hoped she would vote against Obamacare.

Later we met up with a number of other STP members for dinner.  Afterward, group of us went to the front gate of Walter Reed Army Medical Center to participate in the demonstration to show support for our wounded veterans.  My guesstimate is 150-200 showed up for it (Update: Al thinks more like 500), many carrying flags and signs of support for our troops.  Drivers passing by honked and waved.  This ongoing rally is a response to anti-war demonstrators who used to protest at the front gate of the hospital.  About 20 anti-war demonstrators had their own rally some distance away.

After that we drove back to our hotel, but even then couldn’t get away from the Tea Party — there were two busloads of patriots from the Great State of Indiana at the hotel!  There’s a lot of pretty excited Americans here tonight.

Tomorrow’s the big march!  We’ll be up early to meet our busload of spirited fellow protesters from Oklahoma and then rally with fellow patriots from around the country at Freedom Plaza.  From there, the spirit of General Pulaski will set us off on our march to restore the freedoms he and many others died for.

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4 Responses to “Sooner Tea Party in DC for 9/11”

  1. oktim Says:

    Al….my wife got your interview with CNN recorded.
    You’re a STAR!!

  2. Sooner Tea Party in DC for 9/11 « Tea Party Gazette Says:

    […] Note: This post, with minor differences, was cross-posted at the Sooner Tea Party blog. […]

  3. Jim PAWLOWSKI Says:

    As a son of Polish immigrants, and a proud American, it was awesome to be in the march on 9/12. This picture is special to me. Poland has fought so hard for freedom and America is loosing it or was loosing it till we all stood up and said enough is enough. Never give up freedom, it is the most precious gift a human can give. Jim P.

  4. tom279 Says:

    Hey, Jim! Thanks for dropping by, and I’m glad you like the photo. I thought it was great that Gen. Pulaski’s statue was where our march started yesterday.

    I remember the Solidarity movement in Poland and Lech Walesa’s fight for liberty. I was very moved and inspired. All of the Poles I’ve known have been freedom-loving, good people. One day I hope to visit Poland myself.

    Keep fighting! Yesterday was just the beginning.

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